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Doodle Trust approached us for a Website update after their previous supplier could no longer meet their needs. Something that had to be taken into consideration when creating the new website was that a lot of the existing information on the website was still in use and distributed through various means round the world. The website was also very content-heavy, we had to make sure the site ran smoothly but also included all the existing content.

Doodle Trust run a festival called ‘Doodlefest’ a local event where doodle owners and lovers get together and celebrate everything “Doodle”. They were in need of plastic-coated wristbands (to last over a weekend) for festival goers, we were able to produce these on a relatively short run of 1,000. Promotional Flyers, advertising both Doodle Trust and Doodlefest were produced, using the new brand styling. Money is obviously a major issue when it comes to a volunteer based organisation and Doodle Trust wanted a simple way of raising funds, this came in the form of ‘Jam Jar savings’ – a simple sticker is placed on the outside of a regular jam jar, with instructions of how to raise money for Doodle Trust.